
Message decomposition

is used in the function. The input to is:


  • are representations of Pallas curve points, with bits used for the -coordinate and bit used for the -coordinate.
  • are Pallas base field elements.
  • is a -bit value.

Sinsemilla operates on multiples of 10 bits, so we start by decomposing the message into chunks:

Then we recompose the chunks into message pieces:

where is 4 zero bits (corresponding to the padding applied by the Sinsemilla function).

Each message piece is constrained by to its stated length. Additionally:

  • and are witnessed and checked to be valid elliptic curve points.
  • is witnessed as a field element, but its decomposition is sufficient to constrain it to be a 64-bit value.
  • and are witnessed as field elements, so we know they are canonical.

However, we need additional constraints to enforce that:

  • The chunks are the correct bit lengths (or else they could overlap in the decompositions and allow the prover to witness an arbitrary message).
  • The chunks contain the canonical decompositions of , , , and (or else the prover could witness multiple equivalent inputs to ).

Some of these constraints are implemented with a reusable circuit gadget, . We define custom gates for the remainder. Since these gates use simple boolean selectors activated on different rows, their selectors are eligible for combining, reducing the overall proof size.

Message piece decomposition

We check the decomposition of each message piece in its own region. There is no need to check the whole pieces:

  • ( bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • ( bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;
  • ( bits) is witnessed and constrained outside the gate;

The following helper gates are defined:

has been constrained to be bits by the Sinsemilla hash.

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

has been constrained to be bits by the .

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

  • is equality-constrained to , where the latter is the index-1 running sum output of constrained by the hash to be bits.

has been constrained to be bits by the .

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

has been constrained to be bits by the .

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

  • is equality-constrained to , where the latter is the index-1 running sum output of constrained by the hash to be 240 bits.

has been constrained to be bits by the .

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

Field element checks

All message pieces and subpieces have been range-constrained by the earlier decomposition gates. They are now used to:

  • constrain each field element , , , and to be 255-bit values, with top bits , , , and respectively.
  • constrain where is the Pallas base field modulus.
  • check that these are indeed canonically-encoded field elements, i.e.

The Pallas base field modulus has the form , where is 126 bits. We therefore know that if the top bit is not set, then the remaining bits will always comprise a canonical encoding of a field element. Thus the canonicity checks below are enforced if and only if the corresponding top bit is set to 1.

In the constraints below we use a base- variant of the method used in libsnark (originally from [SVPBABW2012, Appendix C.1]) for range constraints :

  • Let be the smallest power of greater than .
  • Enforce .
  • Let .
  • Enforce .


Recall that . When the top bit is set, we check that :

  1. Since we know that and in particular

  2. To check that , we use two constraints:

    a) . This is expressed in the custom gate as where is the index-13 running sum output by

    b) . To check this, we decompose into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum , looking up each word in a -bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that

Region layout



Recall that . When the top bit is set, we check that :

  1. To check that we use two constraints:

    a) is already constrained individually to be a -bit value. is the index-13 running sum output by By constraining we constrain

    b) . To check this, we decompose into fourteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum , looking up each word in a -bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that

Region layout


Region layout



Recall that . When the top bit is set, we check that :

  1. To check that we use two constraints:

    a) is already constrained individually to be a -bit value. is the index-13 running sum output by By constraining we constrain

    b) . To check this, we decompose into fourteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum , looking up each word in a -bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that

Region layout



Recall that . When the top bit is set, we check that :

  1. Since we know that and in particular

  2. To check that we use two constraints:

    a) is already constrained individually to be a -bit value. is the index-13 running sum output by By constraining we constrain

    b) . To check this, we decompose into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum , looking up each word in a -bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that

Region layout


-coordinate checks

Note that only the LSB of the -coordinates was input to the hash, while the other bits of the -coordinate were unused. However, we must still check that the witnessed bit matches the original point's -coordinate. The checks for will follow the same format. For each -coordinate, we witness:

where is for , and for . Let We decompose to be bits using a strict word ten-bit lookup. The running sum outputs allow us to susbstitute

Recall that and were pieces input to the Sinsemilla hash and have already been boolean-constrained. and are constrained outside this gate to and bits respectively. To constrain the remaining chunks, we use the following constraints:

Then, to check that the decomposition was correct:


In these cases, we check that :

  1. Since we know that and in particular

  2. To check that , we use two constraints:

    a) . This is expressed in the custom gate as where is the index-13 running sum output by the -bit lookup decomposition of .

    b) . To check this, we decompose into thirteen 10-bit words (little-endian) using a running sum , looking up each word in a -bit lookup table. We then enforce in the custom gate that

Region layout


Outside this gate, we have constrained:

This can be checked in exactly the same way as , with replaced by .