zcashd metrics

Metrics UI

This is the user interface that zcashd displays by default when run. It displays a small selection of interesting metrics, but is not intended for programmatic consumption.

RPC methods

zcashd provides the following JSON-RPC methods that expose node metrics:

  • Chain:
    • getblockchaininfo: Various state info regarding block chain processing.
    • gettxoutsetinfo: Statistics about the unspent transparent transaction output set.
    • getmempoolinfo: Details on the active state of the TX memory pool.
  • P2P network:
    • getnetworkinfo: Various state info regarding P2P networking.
    • getpeerinfo: Data about each connected network node.
    • getdeprecationinfo: The current node version and deprecation block height.
  • Miscellaneous
    • getmemoryinfo: Information about memory usage.
    • getmininginfo: Mining-related information.
    • getinfo (deprecated): A small subset of the above metrics.

You can see what each method provides with zcash-cli help METHOD_NAME.

Prometheus support

zcashd can optionally expose an HTTP server that acts as a Prometheus scrape endpoint. The server will respond to GET requests on any request path.

To enable the endpoint, add -prometheusport=<port> to your zcashd configuration (either in zcash.conf or on the command line). After restarting zcashd you can then test the endpoint by querying it:

$ curl<port>
# TYPE zcash_net_out_messages counter
zcash_net_out_messages 181

# TYPE zcash_net_in_bytes_total counter
zcash_net_in_bytes_total 3701998

# TYPE zcash_net_in_messages counter
zcash_net_in_messages 184

# TYPE zcashd_build_info counter
zcashd_build_info{version="v4.2.0"} 1

# TYPE zcash_chain_verified_block_total counter
zcash_chain_verified_block_total 162

By default, access is restricted to localhost. This can be expanded with -metricsallowip=<ip>, which can specify IPs or subnets. Note that HTTPS is not supported, and therefore connections to the endpoint are not encrypted or authenticated. Access to the endpoint should be assumed to compromise the privacy of node operations, by the provided metrics and/or by timing side channels. Non-localhost access is strongly discouraged if the node has a wallet holding live funds.

Metrics collection with Docker

A docker-compose.yml has been provided in ./contrib/metrics that sets up local instances of prometheus and grafana and provides a dashboard that charts several of the various metrics exposed by zcashd's prometheus endpoint. Note that both docker and docker-compose must ordinarily be run with superuser permissions (use sudo) when running on Linux.

docker-compose up1 will start local instances of prometheus and grafana, accessible over HTTP on ports 9090 and 3030, respectively.

cd <zcash_root>/contrib/metrics
docker-compose up -d

(substitute the root directory where you have checked out the zcash git repository for <zcash_root>)

~/.zcash/zcash.conf must be updated to enable prometheus and to allow the prometheus server launched via docker-compose to connect to the zcashd prometheus endpoint. The following commands can be used to detect the local IP address for the prometheus server and add it to the ~/.zcash/zcash.conf file.

First, figure out where prometheus is running.

export PROMETHEUS_DOCKER_IP=$(docker inspect -f '{{range .NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' zcashd-prometheus)

Then, update your ~/.zcash/zcash.conf file to open port 9969 and allow connections from the zcashd-prometheus docker container.

cat << PROM_CONF >> ~/.zcash/zcash.conf

You may then (re)start zcashd and navigate to http://localhost:9090/targets?search= to verify that the prometheus server is able to connect to the zcashd prometheus endpoint; you should see the host http://host.docker.internal:9969/ having UP status. Once this is working, navigate to http://localhost:3030/d/U4U58t-Gk/zcashd-metrics to view the dashboard. The username and password for this local grafana instance are set by default to admin/admin; the UI will ask you to change this on first use. Data gathered by the running prometheus instance and changes that you make to the grafana interface will be persisted across restarts.

Manual Docker Setup Without docker-compose

The example instructions below were tested on Windows 10 using Docker Desktop with the WSL 2 backend, connected to a zcashd running inside WSL2 (but not inside Docker):

# Create a storage volume for Grafana (once)
docker volume create grafana-storage

# Create a storage volume for Prometheus (once)
docker volume create prometheus-storage

# Run Prometheus
# You will need to modify $(zcash_root)/contrib/metrics/prometheus.yaml to match the
# port configured with -prometheusport and -metricsbind / -metricsallowip
# (and possibly also for your Docker network setup).
docker run --detach -p 9090:9090 --volume prometheus-storage:/prometheus --volume $(zcash_root)/contrib/metrics/prometheus.yaml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml  prom/prometheus

# Run Grafana
docker run --detach -p 3030:3030 --env GF_SERVER_HTTP_PORT=3030 --volume grafana-storage:/var/lib/grafana grafana/grafana

This requires a running Docker daemon. See the relevant section of the Docker Engine manual.