Proof systems
The aim of any proof system is to be able to prove interesting mathematical or cryptographic statements.
Typically, in a given protocol we will want to prove families of statements that differ in their public inputs. The prover will also need to show that they know some private inputs that make the statement hold.
To do this we write down a relation, , that specifies which combinations of public and private inputs are valid.
The terminology above is intended to be aligned with the ZKProof Community Reference.
To be precise, we should distinguish between the relation , and its implementation to be used in a proof system. We call the latter a circuit.
The language that we use to express circuits for a particular proof system is called an arithmetization. Usually, an arithmetization will define circuits in terms of polynomial constraints on variables over a field.
The process of expressing a particular relation as a circuit is also sometimes called "arithmetization", but we'll avoid that usage.
To create a proof of a statement, the prover will need to know the private inputs, and also intermediate values, called advice values, that are used by the circuit.
We assume that we can compute advice values efficiently from the private and public inputs. The particular advice values will depend on how we write the circuit, not only on the high-level statement.
The private inputs and advice values are collectively called a witness.
Some authors use "witness" as just a synonym for private inputs. But in our usage, a witness includes advice, i.e. it includes all values that the prover supplies to the circuit.
For example, suppose that we want to prove knowledge of a preimage of a hash function for a digest :
The private input would be the preimage .
The public input would be the digest .
The relation would be .
For a particular public input , the statement would be: .
The advice would be all of the intermediate values in the circuit implementing the hash function. The witness would be and the advice.
A Non-interactive Argument allows a prover to create a proof for a given statement and witness. The proof is data that can be used to convince a verifier that there exists a witness for which the statement holds. The security property that such proofs cannot falsely convince a verifier is called soundness.
A Non-interactive Argument of Knowledge (NARK) further convinces the verifier that the prover knew a witness for which the statement holds. This security property is called knowledge soundness, and it implies soundness.
In practice knowledge soundness is more useful for cryptographic protocols than soundness: if we are interested in whether Alice holds a secret key in some protocol, say, we need Alice to prove that she knows the key, not just that it exists.
Knowledge soundness is formalized by saying that an extractor, which can observe precisely how the proof is generated, must be able to compute the witness.
This property is subtle given that proofs can be malleable. That is, depending on the proof system it may be possible to take an existing proof (or set of proofs) and, without knowing the witness(es), modify it/them to produce a distinct proof of the same or a related statement. Higher-level protocols that use malleable proof systems need to take this into account.
Even without malleability, proofs can also potentially be replayed. For instance, we would not want Alice in our example to be able to present a proof generated by someone else, and have that be taken as a demonstration that she knew the key.
If a proof yields no information about the witness (other than that a witness exists and was known to the prover), then we say that the proof system is zero knowledge.
If a proof system produces short proofs —i.e. of length polylogarithmic in the circuit size— then we say that it is succinct. A succinct NARK is called a SNARK (Succinct Non-Interactive Argument of Knowledge).
By this definition, a SNARK need not have verification time polylogarithmic in the circuit size. Some papers use the term efficient to describe a SNARK with that property, but we'll avoid that term since it's ambiguous for SNARKs that support amortized or recursive verification, which we'll get to later.
A zk-SNARK is a zero-knowledge SNARK.